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The Resources We Use

This page has been curated for Mental Health First Aid® Officers that trained with Julie  Gillespie. These are the resources referred to during the sessions, they will support your efforts as you gain more confidence in your role. 


​If you want to become a workplace champion, embed the position into the organisation, or book more programs for your organisation, please contact:


​To do the MHFA™ training with Julie, find out more here​

Where we began: trusting ourselves to get curious and lean in to a conversation.
Mental Health First Aid at Work.
The perspective of an HR Business Partner.

A MUST Listen Recommended by Julie

Mel Robbins Podcast: How to help anyone in your life who's struggling: With Dr. Lisa Damour who is a clinical psychologist and author of three New York Times bestsellers. 


The language they unpack in this podcast is really insightful and practical. I've been using this for a few years now and feel confident in having conversations in challenging situations. I would love to hear what you think!

Email me your thoughts here:

For Mental Health First Aiders

Online Mental Health Directory

Top Resource: A curated resource of Australian online teleweb programs from credible sources.


Nuggets: Short Film

- Filmbilder & Friends 

Grief and Finding Meaning

- Brene Brown

Beyond Now App

- Beyond Blue

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At Well-Led Workplaces, our capacity is expanded by utilising augmented intelligence (AI). We are deep researchers, horizon scanners, and story gatherers, and use large lanugage models (LLMs) to synthesis and articulate our concepts.

If you are curious to our process, get in touch and let's have a conversation.

Business South Bank Sustainability: Julie is an active member that has signed the pledge
Business South Bank Sustainability: Julie is an active member that has signed the pledge

As a member of Business South Bank, we have taken the Sustainability Pledge, to make our shared vision a reality.


The best urban precinct in the world. A global destination which is bold, inclusive and sustainable. A unique, safe, welcoming location to visit, work, study and play.
The cultural and lifestyle gathering place of Brisbane.


Level 7, 154 Melbourne Street 

South Brisbane, QLD 4101


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Well-Led Workplaces

Julie Gillespie

Emma Schneider

© 2024 by Well-Led Workplaces

Trading under Julie Gillespie Pty Ltd ABN 45 654 430 510

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